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Doctors Prove Cleaning Snotty Noses Improves Children’s Respiratory Symptoms

Your Grandmother Was Right – Doctors Prove Cleaning Snotty Noses Improves Children’s Respiratory Symptoms Keeping the nasal cavity clean could play a role in preventing more severe lung complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia or asthma LONDON. Whilst conventional wisdom has led many to believe there is a connection between runny or blocked noses and lung …

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Your Grandmother Was Right – Doctors Prove Cleaning Snotty Noses Improves Children’s Respiratory Symptoms

Keeping the nasal cavity clean could play a role in preventing more severe lung complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia or asthma

LONDON. Whilst conventional wisdom has led many to believe there is a connection between runny or blocked noses and lung problems such as dry coughs, wheezing and respiratory infections, there was no scientific evidence to support this idea. That is, until now.

Exclusive research released today by OMRON Healthcare, the No. 1 global brand for nebulisers, finds this association to be true [1]. Results show that parents who simply clean their child’s nose adequately can reduce the length and intensity of a runny or blocked nose, as well as their need for medication. Findings also prove that keeping the nasal cavity clean might play a role in preventing the onset of more severe lower airways complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia or asthma. So your grandmother was right when she kept insisting you blew your nose when you were a child.

Blocked noses and cold symptoms are the number one reason parents visit a pediatrician during the first 2 years of life [2], [3]. And whilst pediatricians regularly advise keeping the nasal cavity free from mucus to treat upper respiratory infections, some parents have ignored this advice. This new study reveals this is in fact essential and provides clinically-validated support to keeping the nose clean, which could also reduce the impact of the disease in the lower airways.

The reason keeping noses snot-free is so essential?

  • The dripping of mucus down children’s throats is a well-known trigger of coughing – the most common lower airways ailment.

  • By removing this mucus from the upper airways with using an automatic nasal aspirator, coughing is reduced.

  • This is because it removes infectious particles from the nose which would otherwise be inhaled into the lungs.

  • In addition, parents can administer a lower amount of drugs to their children to combat coughing.

OMRON Healthcare Europe’s Marketing Director and an expert in the respiratory field Lucía Prada explains: “By effectively cleaning children’s nasal cavities, parents can protect them from infectious particles thriving, and ultimately being inhaled into the lungs. Clearing the airways can help increase the efficiency of a nebuliser, so that more medication can travel down to the respiratory tract where it’s needed most. This way, parents can also ensure they’re minimising the amount of medicine they give their children.”

Pediatric doctors tested 89 wheezing pre-school children over a 90-day period, separated into two groups; the first of which were equipped with OMRON Healthcare’s DuoBaby nebuliser including an automatic nasal aspirator to use at their homes, and the second received the standard DuoBaby nebuliser without the nasal aspirator.

Highlighted results

  • The episodes of upper respiratory symptoms were shorter among those children cleaning their noses with the nasal aspirator, compared to those who did not clean their nose properly (4.3 symptomatic days versus 5.7, respectively). Which means that the use of the nasal aspirator helps babies recover faster.

  • Similarly, episodes of lower respiratory symptoms were shorter among those who cleaned their nose with the nasal aspirator versus those who did not (3.8 versus 4.4 days, respectively), highlighting the benefits of nose rinsing on the lower airways.

  • Babies using the nebuliser with nasal aspirator inhaled medicine less frequently than babies using the nebuliser without nasal aspirator (12.2% vs 16.9% of the monitored days).

  • A reduced frequency of productive cough among those using the nasal aspirator was observed.

  • When the cumulative number of days with symptoms was compared between the two groups, those using the nasal aspirator showed not only less days with upper and lower airways symptoms, but also fewer days with throat soreness, earache and sleep disorders.

OMRON Healthcare, the global leader in nebulisers

Nebulisers are used to inhale medication into the airways. Medication is delivered to the lungs in the form of small droplets consisting of saline solution and/or medicine. Large droplets help treat upper airways diseases, while small droplets help treat lower airways conditions; the smaller the droplet, the further it penetrates into the lungs to deposit medicine.

As the global leader in respiratory therapy devices that help people treat airways diseases, OMRON Healthcare has identified that different patients need different nebulisers. To help them live with zero compromise in regard to their respiratory health, OMRON has developed an innovative and comprehensive set of nebulisers, designed to combat different respiratory conditions.

DuoBaby – used to carry out the aforementioned clinical study – comes with two inhalation tops, which can be used to treat upper as well as lower airways conditions, providing an effective dual treatment for the respiratory care of babies. What’s more, it is equipped with a one-of-a-kind nasal aspirator, specifically designed to alleviate nasal congestion, rendering the nebulising therapy more efficient. In addition, OMRON Healthcare’s A3 Complete and C102 Total are also equipped with technology to nebulise different parts of the respiratory airways, in order to extend the dual treatment benefit to adults and children.

Finally, OMRON Healthcare is designing technology to be used on the go, to enable patients to get real time insights on their situation or be able to treat their conditions everywhere, anytime. For this reason, OMRON Healthcare launched the MicroAir U100, a portable, silent and discreet mesh nebuliser, which provides efficient nebulisation and can be operated in any position. OMRON Healthcare’s mesh nebulising technology was brought to the market for the first time by OMRON Healthcare.


About OMRON Healthcare Europe
Committed to helping people live more active and fulfilling lives with zero compromise, OMRON Healthcare is a global leader in the field of clinically proven, innovative medical equipment for health monitoring and therapy.

Throughout its 85-year history OMRON Healthcare has been striving to improve lives and contribute to a better society by developing innovations that help people prevent, treat and manage their medical conditions, both at home and in clinical practice in over 117 countries.

OMRON Healthcare is the Global No. 1 brand in both blood pressure monitors, with over 200 million units sold, as well as nebulisers for respiratory treatment with over 30 million devices sold. The company’s additional core product categories are low-frequency pain therapy equipment, body composition monitors and electronic thermometers.

OMRON Healthcare Group is headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. OMRON Healthcare Europe B.V. is the healthcare division for Europe, Russia, Middle East and Africa and provides services to customers in more than 74 countries.

Media Contact

[1] Matricardi, P. et. Al. The impact of nasal aspiration with an automatic device on upper and lower respiratory symptoms in wheezing children: a pilot case-control study. Ital. J. Pediatr. 2018; 44: 68. Online resource available on:

[2] Gargiulo K. et. Al. Pediatr. Rev. 2010. Aug;31(B):320-4.

[3] Chirico, G. et. Al. Minerva Pedriatr. 2014. Dec;66(6):549-57.

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